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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background Of The Study

The fundamental components of teaching and learning resources include human resource, physical facilities, and material resources. Textbooks, set books, all classroom equipment including desks, seats, and chalkboards, as well as all laboratory equipment and library resources, are all examples of material resources. Noordin et al. (2010) concluded that instructors have a responsibility to create a conducive learning environment for children by utilizing existing teaching and learning resources such as textbooks, novels, etc. to make classes engaging. Students with an engaged instructor have a stronger learning to learn and seek out more information.

Wold Bank's (2008) study on textbooks and school library provision in secondary education in Sub-Sahara Africa revealed a severe lack of textbooks and library services. Asiabaka (2008) conducted a study on the effective management of schools in Nigeria and concluded that the disparity in schools' acquisition of school facilities was due to the government's failure to establish a policy directive on minimum standards for school facilities. This explains why some schools had appropriate school resources, such as well-equipped libraries and other teaching and learning materials, while others lacked these resources. In the same vein, Olaniyan and Ojo (2008) noted that a lack of textbooks and relevant study guides was one of the factors inhibiting students' performance in Literature-in-English in Nigerian secondary schools. Inadequate provision of these relevant and up-to-date study materials has not only impacted students' performance in the Literature course, but also their reading habits/culture. In Nigeria, educational standards are regularly the subject of public discourse. As reported cases of poor and continued decline in the academic performance in the Senior School Certificate Examination across Nigeria (Umameh, 2011; Alimi et al., 2012; Ajayi and Osalusi, 2013; Duruji et al., 2014) indicate that student outcomes did not match government and parental investments, the public's discontent increases. According to Duruji et al. (2014), their study revealed that student apathy and the quality of teaching were obstacles to outstanding academic achievement. Several factors have been associated with students' poor academic performance, including poor reading and study habits. The quantity of knowledge that a person adds to his or her short and long term memories is influenced by the individual's studying habits and behavior. Students' academic performance is determined by study habits (Gbore, 2006a&b) and factors such as effective use of time, student concentration, learning procedure, and consultations (Adeyemo, 2005) in the promotion of academic excellence.

In Nigeria, many parents, teachers, counselors, and educational officials have been concerned about the low academic performance of secondary school students in Literature-in-English and its detrimental effects. Bad academic performance has been ascribed to inadequate teaching facilities, untrained instructors, students' poor study habits, psychological adjustment issues such as anxiety, stress, and depression, and students' lack of financial assistance such as scholarships, bursaries, and loans. In light of the aforementioned, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of text accessibility and reading habits on students' academic performance in Literature in English.

Statement Of The Problem

The low academic achievement of students in Literature-in-English on both internal and external tests has caused instructors, other school administrators, and parents anxiety. According to Emeka(2012), the majority of senior secondary school students have a negative view of Literature because they feel it requires extensive reading and the mastery of foreign vocabulary. This view is due to the teaching and communication qualities of the instructor. According to the researcher, the insufficient availability of textbooks and novels pertinent to students' achievement on crucial external and internal exams has also impacted students' enthusiasm, dedication, and reading habits in the Literature-in-English course. According to Mary(2015), one of the primary reasons for students' low academic performance in literature-in-English is that they do not find literature textbooks interesting or important, even when they are offered. This mindset of the students has badly affected both their exterior and internal examination performance. In revealing the reasons of kids' bad reading habits, Gabriel (2013) said that a lack of appropriate learning environment, inadequate parental support, lack of enthusiasm, lack of reading to current students/novels, etc. are all to blame. in view of the above, this study aims at examining the influence of text availability and students reading habits on students academic achievement in Literature In English.

Objective Of The Study

The overall aim of this study is to critically examine the influence of text availability and students reading habits on students academic achievement in Literature In English. Hence, the study will be channeled to the following specific objectives;

  1. Identify the factors affecting students reading habit in Literature-in-English.
  2. Ascertain whether inadequate provision of relevant and latest study materials in senior secondary schools affects students academic achievement in Literature-in-English.
  3. Ascertain whether lack of affordability of text books/Novels affects students academic achievement in Literature-in-English.
  4. Determine whether students reading habit affects their achievement in Literature-in-English.
  5. Determine whether there is a difference between the academic achievement of students with good reading habit and those with poor reading habit.

Research Question

The study will be guided by the following questions;

  1. Does inadequate provision of relevant and latest study materials in senior secondary schools affect students achievement performance in Literature-in-English?
  2. Does lack of affordability of text books/Novels affect students academic achievement in Literature-in-English?
  3. Does students reading habit affect their achievement in Literature-in-English?
  4. Is there difference between the academic achievement of students with good reading habit and those with poor reading habit?

Significance of The Study

This research will assist key stakeholders in senior secondary schools in recognizing the necessity for the availability of essential and up-to-date study materials in order to improve students' performance in Literature-in-English. Teachers will be able to identify the need to innovate, inspire students, and utilize effective teaching methods to inculcate the requisite reading habit in students as a result of this research.

In addition, future scholars will use it as a literature review. This implies that other students who may desire to do research in this field will be able to use this work as a source of literature for critical analysis. Invariably, the students of the research add significantly to the corpus of academic information about the influence of text availability and students' reading habits on their academic achievement in Literature In English.

Scope Of The Study

This study is structured to generally examine the influence of text availability and students reading habits on students academic achievement in Literature In English. However, the study will further identify the factors affecting students reading habit in Literature-in-English; ascertain whether inadequate provision of relevant and latest study materials in senior secondary schools affects students academic achievement in Literature-in-English; ascertain whether lack of affordability of text books/Novels affects students academic achievement in Literature-in-English; determine whether students reading habit affects their achievement in Literature-in-English; and determine whether there is a difference between the academic achievement of students with good reading habit and those with poor reading habit.

The study will cover senior secondary schools in Ido Local Government Area Of Oyo State.

Limitation Of The Study

Like in every human endeavour, the researcher encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited choice of sample size. More so, the researcher simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

Definition Of Terms

Study Habit: This is a behavioural style that is systematically formed by students towards learning and achievement. According to Ghulam (2013), study habits are the students’ way of study, whether systematic, efficient, or inefficient. It is viewed that good study habits are perceived to be the determinants of academic performance. According to Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilmer in Ghulam (2013), study behavior is mental readiness to learn. It is organized through experiences, objects, and situations in the study. That means with the information and Solutions of the Problems to keep the study behavior for academic goals positive.

Study Skills: These are peculiar strategies developed by the students in studying.

Academic: This has been variously defined, but for this study, academics are defined as college studies or learning; in other words, it designates the intellectual aspect of education, particularly the final subject, which deals with organized knowledge.

Academic achievement: This refers to the performance that falls within a specified standard. The specified standard is usually called pass mark, and the pass mark is a score above average in which students are considered having passed and below which students are considered having failed.


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